Arquivo de etiquetas: Estruturas de Edifícios

Expansão modelo IFC com sensores de monitorização estrutural

 Sensores IFC

 SHM Architecture

Arquitectura de sistemas de monitorização estutural

Foi publicado um novo artigo sobre expansão de classes IFC de modelação BIm para incluir sensores de monitorização estrutural resultante do trabalho de Mestrado Integrado na FEUP do Bruno Ferreira com o título: Aplicação de conceitos BIM à instrumentação de estruturas.

Resumo em Inglês:

The instrumentation and structural health monitoring, SHM, of buildings is a growing field in the construction industry. The goal of this research work is to explore ways of modeling SHM systems, and the resulting data collected from buildings, in standard information management system such as Building Information Models, BIM. These models need to be stored in digital databases with structures suitable for the specific building related information. In this work the Industry Foundation Classes, IFC, data model was used.

A case study is presented to assess the applicability of the present IFC standard as a tool to build a three-dimensional digital model of a real instrumented building, as well as some of the structural sensors and their results. The interoperability of the digital model was verified by using different modeling, viewing and analysis software tools. Limitations of the current IFC model were explored and extensions to the sensor classes are proposed.

Keywords: Structural Health Monitoring; building structures, information management, BIM, IFC.


Rio, J., Ferreira, B. & Poças Martins, J. Expansion of IFC model with structural sensors. Informes de la Construcción 65, 219–228 (2013). DOI: 10.3989/ic.12.043